Earth Surface Processes Groups of the Schools of Earth and Space Exploration and Geography and Department of Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering at Arizona State University

Kelin Whipple Arjun Heimsath Ramón Arrowsmith Mark Schmeeckle Enrique Vivoni

SESE Surface Processes seminar Fall 2015

The Earth Surface Processes Seminar (called "Geomorphology Seminar" in the GLG courses list) runs every term, for one unit credit (repeatable any number of times, and we prefer students do enroll) on a different theme each term. Our off-campus meeting time this term will as usual be 7:00pm-9:00pm on Thursdays. This term we have decided to gear seminar to complement the Tectonic Geomorphology course being taught this fall by Ramon and Kelin, which will use the Himalaya for many of the example data in class exercises and lectures. To provide interesting depth and a forum for discussion and debate, the papers for this semester's seminar will be selected for their focus on the Tectonic Geomorphology of the Himalaya.

In a typical session we discuss a single research paper or two short ones. One or a pair of students have the charge to lead the discussion each session. Guiding a discussion, pointing out interesting angles to discuss and keeping the discussion on track are the main tasks. Usually this involves leading the group through the paper, but with an aim to highlighting discussion points rather than a report/summary of all points. Sometimes digging up essential background material from previous papers is essential to either understanding of the paper, or for drawing out key discussion points. Determining whether such ancillary material is needed is up to the student leaders. As we move forward we want to get into full discussion and debate mode -- everyone should make a point of saying at least a couple things in each meeting: a question, answer, comment, observation, whatever. We want all voices engaged in the conversation!

We're looking forward to a vibrant set of discussions this semester! Encouragement from Arjun and Ramon.

Date and locationDiscussion Leader(s)Reading/topic
Thursday, August 27 N/A Seminar will start next week.
Thursday, September 3rd; at Kelin's house:
235 E Dawn Drive Tempe
Andy Darling This is a methods paper and not set in the Himalaya, but is framing a new angle to the study of Tectonic Geomorphology that merits considerable attention.
Willett, Sean D., et al. "Dynamic reorganization of river basins." Science 343.6175 (2014): 1248765.

Willett et al., 2014 Supplemental Materials Link to the movie included in the supplemental material
Thursday, September 10th; at Kelin's house:
235 E Dawn Drive Tempe
Marina and Dominique This week we will read Yang et al. (Nature, 2015) -- an application of this new approach to the SE Tibetan Plateau.
Yang, Rong, Sean D. Willett, and Liran Goren. "In situ low-relief landscape formation as a result of river network disruption." Nature 520.7548 (2015): 526-529.

Link to the Yang et al. Supplemental Video
We're also providing the following supplemental paper presenting prior work in this area (with a radically different conclusion). Skimming it will help all have perspective on the debate that is developing.
Clark, M. K., et al. "Use of a regional, relict landscape to measure vertical deformation of the eastern Tibetan Plateau." Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface (2003-2012) 111.F3 (2006)
Thursday, September 17th; at Kelin's house:
235 E Dawn Drive Tempe
Nari and Emily Z Craddock et al, 2007 is the main paper for this week's discussion. The part of the paper tied to Tect Geom class most strongly is Section 7. Indeed this section is the whole point of the paper, the rest is just framing how to get there and tackle the problem.
Craddock, William H., et al. "Bedrock channel geometry along an orographic rainfall gradient in the upper Marsyandi River valley in central Nepal." Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface (2003-2012) 112.F3 (2007).

Supplemental Material Roe et al. (2002) sets up the fundamentals for the Craddock paper, reading this first will help set the stage for the later Craddock paper.
Roe, Gerard H., David R. Montgomery, and Bernard Hallet. "Effects of orographic precipitation variations on the concavity of steady-state river profiles." Geology (2002): 143-146.
Thursday, September 24th; at Kelin's house:
235 E Dawn Drive Tempe
Kate We will continue on the theme of the interrelations among climate-topography-erosion rates and tectonics in central Nepal. The paper is by Godard et al, 2014 in Geology using detrital cosmogenic 10Be concentrations to estimate catchment-mean erosion rates. The paper comes with its own supplement, also included.
Godard, Vincent, et al. "Dominance of tectonics over climate in Himalayan denudation." Geology (March 2014) v. 42, no.3, p. 243-246. 10.1130 (2014).

Supplemental Material
Godard, Vincent et al. "Supplementary Material" GSA Repository 2014088.
Thursday, October 1st; at Kelin's house:
235 E Dawn Drive Tempe
Alex and Mary Herman et al – Himalaya uplift, erosion and thermochronology, we will move to how uplift actually happens – seismic cycle, big Himalayan EQs and paleoseismic records. Might want to start early.
Herman, F. et al. "Exhumation, crustal deformation, and thermal structure of the Nepal Himalaya derived from the inversion of thermochronological and thermobarometric data and modeling of the topography"Journal of Geophysical Research :10.1029
Thursday, October 8; at Ramon's place Ramon's house 140 E Del Rio, Tempe, AZ 85282 Barrett We are changing topics a bit this week.
Klinger et al., "Characteristic slip for five great earthquakes along the Fuyun fault in China"Nature Geoscience Letters:10.1038
Thursday, October 15;at Kelin's house:
235 E Dawn Drive Tempe
Dom and Nari
Kumar et al., "Paleoseismological evidence of surface faulting along the northeastern Himalayan front, India: Timing, size, and spatial extent of great earthquakes"Journal of Geophysical Research10.1029
Thursday, October 22;at Kelin's house:
235 E Dawn Drive Tempe
Alana and Emily
Rockwell, "Rupture Exposed"Tectonics
Sapkota, "Primary surface ruptures of the great Himalayan earthquakes in 1934 and 1255"Nature Geoscience10.1038
Supplemental, Sapkota.
Thursday, October 29;at Kelin's house:
235 E Dawn Drive Tempe
Kate and Marina
Mugnier et al, "Structural interpretation of the great earthquakes of the last millennium in the central Himalaya"Earth-Science Reviews10.1016 (2013)
Thursday, November 5; at Andy & Nari's house:
1222 W Baseline Rd #158, Tempe
Andy and Nari
Parker, "Mass wasting triggered by the 2008Wenchuan earthquake is greater than orogenic growth" Nature Geoscience (2011) 10.1038
Ouimet, "The hills came tumbling down" Tectonic Geomorphology (2011)
Molnar, "Don't forget isostacy" Nature Geoscience (2012)
Thursday, November 12; at Kelin's house:
235 E Dawn Drive Tempe
Kate and Adam
Avouac et al., "Lower edge of locked Main Himalayan Thrust unzipped by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake" Tectonic Geomorphology (2015) 10.1038
Additional information in the companion paper: Avouac et al., "Lower edge of locked Main Himalayan Thrust unzipped by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake" Nature Geoscience (2015) 10.1038
Bilham, "Raising Kathmandu" Nature Geoscience (2015)
Thursday, November 19; at Ramon's place Ramon's house 140 E Del Rio, Tempe, AZ 85282 Dom and Marina
Linsey et al., "Line of Sight Displacement from ALOS-2 Interferometry: Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake and Mw 7.3 Aftershock (2015) 10.1002
Linsey et al., Supplementary information (2015)
Wang et al., "Slip model of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) earthquake from inversions of ALOS-2 and GPS data" AGU (2015) 10.1002
Wang et al., Supplementary information
Thursday, Dec 3; at Arjun's house:
3223 E Mitchell Dr Phoenix

Herman and Champagnac, "Plio-Pleistocene Increase in Erosion Rates in Mountain Belts in Response to Climate Change" Terra Nova (2015)
Willenbring and Jerolmack, "The null hypothesis: globally steady rates of erosion, weathering fluxes and shelf sediment accumulation during Late Cenozoic mountain uplift and glaciation" Terra Nova (2015)

Past seminars
Spring 2015 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Fall 2014 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Spring 2014 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Fall 2013 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Spring 2013 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Fall 2012 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Spring 2012 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Fall 2011 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Spring 2011 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Fall 2010 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Spring 2010 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Fall 2009 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Spring 2009 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Fall 2008 SESE Geomorphology Seminar
Spring 2008 SESE Geomorphology Seminar

Page last modified 1 Sept 2015 MHBF